Tuesday 10 September 2019

Antiquity and LGBT

Did you know?

In Antic Roman, at certain point, most of population was Bisexual? It was confirmed the nobles enjoyed the company of other men as well despite being married. The word "gay" was not used at that time as everyone was okay with either gender.

In Pompei, the town in Italy that was ravaged by a Volcano erruption, it is said many facts proved such information was right. Not only it was common for men or women to get in several relationship, there also existed one-gender orgy near large towns.

In fact, Julius Caesar was confirmed to be Bisexual and might as well be the gayest ruler in the story of Antiquity. Before his death, many documents were left lying around listing the men that he brought to his bed.

Funny fact, it was totally seen as okay to be the top in the relationship. Being a bottom was only for slaves so when getting in an homosexual relationship, one needed to impose their dominance. Being remored as a bottom could have caused one's execution while being an absolute top earned lot of respect from the society.

There are few people who has decided to only chase after one gender though. Few men and even fewer women has managed to escape society's grip and decided to live with people of the same gender without getting married.

By the end of Antiquity, the days has changed and with the ascension of Christianism, homosexuality became a taboo thing. The few remnants were either chased or forced to join the mass. Very few of them continued to hide in the shadow though.

As a conclusion, LGBT existed since ancient time. It is not just some kind of disease that can be killed with medicine or such. It is the first society that noticed their existance and it was up to everyone to either accept or deny them. Not only in Roman Empire but Grece also had its share of homo stories.

We'll see about that another time though.

See you next time,

~ YayaSamuko

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